Thursday, September 23, 2010

Are robots the option?

Japan is facing a critical shortage of young, skilled workers - so critical, in fact, that its economy is threatened. The solution? Build a whole generation of robots. This may sound like science fiction, but as documentary maker Sasa Petricic found, it's very real.

First broadcast on CBC-TV's The National.
What's your take?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Being Global 2011

Higher Education Strategy Associates (HESA) invites you to participate in the Being Global 2011 conference! Being Global 2011 is an opportunity to focus on the internationalization efforts of Canadian institutions that will feature speakers, panels, and presentations that probe the important problems inherent to campus internationalization.The call for proposals is now open. Presentations should relate to the overall theme of the conference, and may be based on evidence gained from research or other projects already completed, information about on-going programmes or ideas for innovative schemes or topics for future exploration.

Four primary topic streams will be featured at Being Global 2011. Each of these will encompass a series of panels that treat narrower topic levels in depth.

The Science of Attraction

This stream will feature discussions on institutional/departmental positioning, advertising in the international market, the use of recruiting agents, and student services for inbound students. What drives the best students worldwide to study in Canada, and how can institutions best attract them?

World Bound

This stream encompasses study abroad programs, travel-study programs, exchange programs and partnerships, issues relating to equity and accessibility, and topics related to providing student services and advising prior to, during, and after their international experience.

Internationalization Strategies: Networks, Policies, and the Bottom Line

This stream encompasses developing academic programs and campuses abroad, finding and growing effective international research collaboration initiatives, cultivating global partnerships, and the federal and provincial policy environments (both within Canada and destination/source countries).

Creating the Global Student

This stream includes the development of international and global curriculums, an investigation into the concept of global citizenship and intercultural competencies. Can students receive an "international" education without leaving their home institution, or are there components of the international experience that cannot be taught? How can these outcomes be measured, and do they matter? What can institutions do to help students integrate their experiences into their learning process?

Two presentation types will be hosted, based on demand and availability:

Panel sessions:
These two-hour sessions will feature 4-5 presenters with closely related material. In most cases, presentations will be 20 minutes in length and will be followed by thirty minutes of questions at the end of the session. Those wishing to present case studies, best practices, new research, or to showcase experiences are encouraged to request this panel type.

Poster sessions: those wishing to present posters will be able to do so in the poster zone, which is located in the main lobby. Poster proposals should follow the same format described above.

Proposals for presentations of types other than those above (e.g., workshops) will be accepted and considered on an ad-hoc basis.

We welcome presentations that discuss any of the following:
  • Case studies
  • Best practices
  • Discussion of current trends
  • New research and analysis
  • Theoretical papers

A maximum of two presentations will be accepted per presenter.

You can now submit conference proposals online!

Question regarding the conference or presentation proposals can be sent to:
We look forward to receiving your proposals!
207-20 Maud St.
Toronto, ON
(416) 848-0215