Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Volunteer work can open career doors

“When you learn it’s about what you can do for others, they return the good deed. In volunteering with WIFM, I got to know people well, they got to know me and became willing to provide references”
Tolupe Olutunfese 

Toronto Star article: TheStar Volunteer work can open career doors

Interesting article about the options available when volunteering. International students taking full-time academic programs can work off campus only after six months of studies. During that first semester in Canada, volunteering, if possible, can be a great way to get to network and understand the local culture

Monday, April 18, 2011

Drowning in Debt: The Emerging Student Loan Crisis

 This 2009 briefing, "Drowning in debt: the emerging student loan crisis", from Kevin Carey and Erin Dillon, provides interesting information about the reality of American students:
"Higher education has never been more expensive. The price of attending a public university doubled, after inflation, over the last two decades, and family income and student financial aid haven’t kept pace. As a result, students have no choice but to borrow, and more college students are borrowing more money than ever before"
To read the entire article click here: Drowning in Debt