Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ontario colleges join forces with Irish institutes of technology

(Toronto, Nov. 24, 2011) – Colleges Ontario, the organization representing Ontario's 24 colleges, is joining forces with Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) to sign a unique agreement that allows Ontario college students to complete degree programs in Ireland.

In return, Irish students will ultimately be able to obtain graduate certificates from Ontario colleges...

 For the rest of the article  please click:  
Unique link creates student mobility between Ireland and Ontario

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hosier Lane, a place were Graffiti is encouraged...

A crisp cold morning in Australia’s second largest city. I go out for a walk without a Lonely Planet in hand. I like to explore “unknowingly” and discover things for myself, even if they have already been discovered by others and described on Wikipedia. Opposite to the entrance to the Atrium at Federation Square in Melbourne, I come across this interesting corner of the world called Hosier Lane. It is a much-celebrated landmark that I had never heard about. In the beauty of that August day, as the sun hit brilliantly above the cold breeze, the place opened up to me. There was my own fantasy book. If newly weds come to this spot to have their photos taken right after their service, why not me. I happily walked down that isle, taking my time to admire.

A few shots away and I was out of there. Photos are great time-immortalizers, but they cannot compare to the face-to-face experience. My images of Hosier Lane went into storage, until I unearth them the other day.

These are the only three images I could find. They are the reminders of that city installation of unique quality, of vibrant colours, textures and styles. That was an interesting spot worth stumbling upon, as I did. Here’s a link to a photography blog by Dev Wijewardane who also  “talks” about Hosier Lane. Enjoy!!!