Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Thinking Right: Coaching a Wave of Chinese Students for College in America

Last November, the Institute of International Education announced that there were now almost 130,000 Chinese students studying on American campuses, making them the largest international contingent. While this represents a significant cash flow out of China, Beijing supports this trend because the Chinese economy is in desperate need of globally educated Chinese.
For the rest of the article please click on link below:

Monday, July 25, 2011

Canada's Conference on International Education 2011

Canada's Conference on International Education 2011 is the place to reflect on our ambitions and achievements, set new goals and consider innovative approaches.

CBIE supports the education sector in the pursuit of excellence in international education with a conference packed with information, learning, and networking opportunities.

For more info click here: Canada's Conference on International Education 2011

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