Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Federico Saretzki - Event Management

Federico Saretzki has been placed in the Dean's list and will be graduating with honours from Algonquin College's postgraduate certificate in Event Management.

Federico is a Colombian philosopher from Universidad de los Andes and a recognized DJ. He has knowledge in design, planning, management and execution of artistic production models.

He took the time to answer the following questions about his experience at Algonquin in Ottawa.

1. What influenced your decision to take the Event Management with Algonquin's School of Hospitality and Tourism ?
I have been working in events for more than 12 years and needed to move forward, a step ahead in my career and learn the managerial skills that I was missing in order to pursue my personal and professional projects.

2. Why did you choose Ottawa and Algonquin College?
Ottawa is a safe, nice and manageable city. Algonquin College offers one of the best courses in the world of event management; Canada is a great country that offers opportunities for international students.

3. What has worked for you throughout this time?
Networking and getting contacts in the field and industry, having the opportunity to work on site in different events and showing my talents and expertise in my coop positions and volunteering. Pursuing in my talents and strengths and having enough time to re-invent myself, do a lot of things that you miss when you are not a student.

4. Why should other Colombian/Latin students come to Ottawa and Algonquin?
Living abroad is the best learning experience. Algonquin is a great college with hands on experience, international view and moreover, also an institution that makes the student follows their path, learn in a friendly environment in order to follow their own dreams. Having the opportunity to study again in a multicultural environment is the biggest challenge ever, but this challenge makes you a better citizen of the world.

5. Any other positive anecdotes you would like to share
Having the chance of relearning, re-inventing and re-interpreting my life, learning different views on how to do events, and moreover, developing my talents and strengths with a multicultural group.  Having the chance to volunteer in events, fundraise among others are part of this success.

Thank you Federico and congratulations! 


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