Tuesday, April 3, 2012

IETP 2012: Practical Skills in International Credential Evaluation for Undergraduate Admissions

The IETP is pleased to partner once again with World Education Services (WES) Canada to offer the following course during the 2012 Summer Institute in Kingston:

Practical Skills in International Credential Evaluation for Undergraduate Admissions
: June 14-15, 2012
Fee: $675 + HST
Registration Deadline: June 1, 2012
Instructors: Xiao Chen; Ari Mihael

Course Description: Acquire the essential tools for making reliable admissions decisions. This hands-on workshop provides practical experience and valuable resources for evaluating international academic credentials. After participating in a comparative study of Canadian and international systems of education, schools and programs of study, you will learn the WES method and perform evaluations on actual credentials. Throughout the workshop, you will engage in dialogue with highly knowledgeable credential evaluators. Each participant will receive a comprehensive collection of WES materials that will serve as an ongoing reference.During this workshop you will:
  • Learn how to obtain appropriate and authentic documents
  • Compare Canadian and international systems of education, schools, and programs of study
  • Evaluate credentials for freshman and transfer admissions
  • Convert grades and determine transfer credits
  • Acquire essential tools for making reliable admissions decisions - know where to look for the most up-to-date information 

Learning Objectives: Participants will learn the WES method of international credential evaluation while being introduced to valuable tools of the trade. You will return to your campuses with a better understanding of international systems of education which will enable you to make more reliable admissions decisions. Practical exercises and comprehensive studies of specific regions and countries will enhance your learning experience.

Who should take this course: Professionals working in Undergraduate Admissions 

Visit the WES website for more information about WES and their training.

Register now
For more information about the IETP or its Summer Institute, contact the IETP office or visit www.quic.queensu.ca/ietp 

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