Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Conference of the Americas on International Education (Oct 20-23, 2010)

For additional information please click here

• Opening keynote address by Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
• Luncheon address by Peter Kent, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs (Americas)
• International plenary debate: "Be it resolved that, for higher education institutions to be globally competitive, creating a higher education space in the Americas is a strategic imperative."
• Interview panel conducted by Phil Semas, President and Editor in Chief, The Chronicle of Higher Education, on the importance of internationalization of higher education (with an emphasis on the Americas)

• Workshops:
o Performance Metrics in Internationalization (for institutional heads and senior leaders)
o TUNING the Americas
o China-Americas Roundtable
o Measuring Global and Regional Student Mobility in Higher Education
• CBIE pre-conference professional development sessions
• Over 40 concurrent sessions on the following themes:
o Joint Academic Programming in the Americas
o Innovative Partnerships
o Internationalization Research
o Indigenous & Non-Traditional Populations
o Languages
o Branding, Marketing, Promotion & Retention
o Open Dialogue: An opportunity for off-the-record conversations on a hot topic

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